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August 10, 2023

Liliane Fortna

Winks from Above: Embracing Signs and Synchronicities - Unlocking the Secrets of Serendipity

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

Tonight, gear up for an eye-opening adventure into the intriguing realms of intuition, signs, and synchronicities as we welcome an expert in these fields - Liliane Fortna. Her powerful book, 'Winks from Above: Opening Up to Signs and Synchronicities to Receive Little Miracles Each Day,' has struck a chord with readers around the globe. Liliane will lead us on a deep exploration of communicating with Guides and Angels, offering practical wisdom on how to embrace the signs and synchronicities that shape our lives. Her compelling stories unveil the hidden potential and support available to each one of us, ready to be acknowledged and celebrated. In our fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the subtle messages from the Universe, but Liliane reminds us that we are always receiving guidance, whether we're aware of it or not. Tonight, she invites us to live each day with conscious knowing, unlocking the door to endless possibilities that await. As we dive into 'Winks from Above,' Liliane's insights will empower us to better comprehend and decipher the clues and messages that envelop us. We'll gain practical tips to deepen our connection with our highest sources of guidance, building trust in our intuition and communicating with the unseen realm. So, let us take this moment to pause, to listen, and to tune in as we explore the fascinating secrets of serendipity and how embracing the subtle miracles in our lives can lead us to a path of heightened awareness, inner peace, and a profound sense of grace. Get ready to be inspired by Liliane's wisdom, as she reminds us that we are never alone. The Universe continually whispers its guidance, and through 'Winks from Above,' we'll unlock the transformative power of embracing signs and synchronicities, crafting a life filled with extraordinary possibilities.

B i o

Liliane Fortna has been a professional contemporary dancer (performing in both Europe and the US), European fashion model, fashion consultant, Amazon rain forest explorer, wife, mother, grandmother, energy healer, consciousness explorer, artist and most recently, a multiple bestselling author.

Despite suffering a very difficult childhood involving painful abuse and rejection, she overcame adversity through her close alignment with the spiritual world. Being highly intuitive, she has received assistance from her Guides and Angels to both help carry her through some tremendously difficult and frightful events, as well as to guide her to some amazing accomplishments.

Throughout her life, Liliane has always felt compelled to help others. In 2008, she decided to focus solely on this and became an Energy Healer. She has since successfully helped both men and women face and work through difficult physical and emotional situations, enabling them to feel more confident and joyful about themselves.

In her memoire/self-help book, Winks from Above, Liliane has been able to reach a broader audience and help them rediscover their innate gift of communicating with their Guides and Angels to create a better, richer, and happier life. And as a contributing author in the anthology Turning Point Moments, Liliane helps readers see painful challenges as powerful opportunities to become more resilient, open and hopeful.

Born in Hanoi, Vietnam, Liliane is French-Vietnamese. She grew up in France and subsequently lived in Europe, Asia, and the United States. She has a degree in English Literature and is fluent in French and English.

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Winks from Above: Opening Up to Signs and Synchronicities to Receive Little Miracles Each Da

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