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October 8, 2020

Dawn Lester & David Parker

What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

Tonight, our guests will explain what really makes you ill and why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong. Voltarie once said: "Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing." The conventional approach adopted by most healthcare systems entails the use of 'medicine' to treat human disease. The idea encapsulated by Voltaire's quote, the nom de plume of Fran�ois-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), will no doubt be regarded by most people as inapplicable to 21st century healthcare, especially the system known as modern medicine. The reason that people would consider this idea to no longer be relevant is likely to be based on the assumption that 'medical science' has made significant advances since the 18th century and that 21st century doctors therefore possess a thorough, if not quite complete, knowledge of medicines, diseases and the human body. Unfortunately, however, this would be a mistaken assumption; as our guests will demonstrate.

B i o

Dawn Lester and David Parker have backgrounds in the fields of Accountancy and Electrical Engineering, respectively. These fields both require an aptitude for logic, which proved extremely useful for their investigation that has involved more than ten years continuous research to find answers to the question: what really makes people ill? A popular saying, which is often attributed to Albert Einstein, claims that problems cannot be solved by using the same way of thinking that created them. The concept underlying this saying can be extrapolated to indicate that a problem can often be better understood by people outside of the discipline in which it occurs because they are not bound by any dogma or biases inherent within that discipline. The authors` investigation of why people become ill was conducted from a different perspective from that of the medical establishment; it was therefore free from the dogma and biases inherent within `medical science`. This unbiased and logical approach enabled them to follow the evidence with open minds and led them to discover the flaws within the information about illness and disease that is promulgated by the medical establishment. The results of their investigation are revealed within their book: WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? WHY EVERYTHING YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW ABOUT DISEASE IS WRONG.

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What Really Makes You Ill?

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