Interview image
July 21, 2022

David Weiss & Jeran Campanella

Worlds Beyond the Ice Walls: Truth or Fiction?

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

The nature of humanity is to be curious. We have an innate desire to find new knowledge, hidden or not, new abilities and new lands. We have discussed the topic of the flat earth and the worlds beyond the ice walls on this program, and because many of you continue to ask me for more, at Veritas, we don't censor; we get out of the way and let the information flow. It is up to you to do what you want with the information. We have been and continue to be so programmed to only listen to official channels that even the so called open minded have a hard time stepping outside the box when they become exposed to information that contradicts their beliefs. But since I know belief is the enemy of knowledge, I want to explore and consider all perspectives. I've noticed some of my colleagues shut down and ridicule what we'll be discussing tonight. Don't you wonder why they never get censored and those of us who do, are the ones being silenced, shadowbanned and are given the perception of being on the outer limits of conventional wisdom? If you want to take the road less traveled to free yourself from the conformity of others, stay with us.

B i o

From David Weiss: I live just outside NYC on the shore in CT. I was packing my bags on the morning of 9/11/01 to fly from LGA to Ohio when I heard a report of a plane hitting one of the WTC towers. After seeing the second explosion on TV and my phone going dead at that exact second, I headed down the road to the shoreline where I had an unobstructed view over the water of the WTC towers. I was able to see the first tower disintegrate up close through binoculars without hearing what was being said on the MSM. In the coming days with all the replays on the news I knew something was wrong with what they were saying and showing and what I saw. It took about 4 years before I was able to say anything publicly after realizing that 911 was a mass media, government run deception beyond what I was able to comprehend at that time. My research lead me to many other deceptions from the Federal Reserve banking fraud system to the spraying of our sky with chemicals and fake wars. Then came the Sandy Hook shooting followed by the Boston Marathon bombing. Both events are clearly media deceptions for anyone with the courage to look at the real evidence. I then started a podcast called Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole, where we discussed all the conspiracy topics and mixed them with some raw humor to attract a younger audience that other conspiracy shows might not attract. In the third year a bunch of fans of the show kept sending me flat earth information and I refused to even look at it because the idea of a flat earth has got to be the dumbest thing on earth, right? After months of ignoring it and laughing at the people that were sending me stuff I was talking with researcher Sofia Smallstorm when she made a comment saying, " for all I know the earth could be flat. That`s when I started looking into it with the goal to debunk it. I will just say this, if anyone takes the time to research flat earth properly and can lay down their ego and sort out indoctrinated scientism from actual science, that`s how you become a flat earther. 3 years later, I am the co host of a new podcast called "The Flat Earth Podcast.

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