Interview image
August 5, 2021

Andrew Kaufman, Ph.D.

If You Cannot Question Science, It's Secular Dogma, Propaganda, & a Cult

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

This is a discussion that focuses on the importance of questioning scientific principles and theories. The speaker, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, argues that if people are not allowed to question science, it becomes secular dogma, propaganda, and a cult-like system.

Dr. Kaufman highlights the danger of accepting products offered by wealthy individuals with eugenicist beliefs who believe there are too many people on the earth and are obsessed with population control. The speaker emphasizes that people should be skeptical of these products and be cautious when accepting them.

Dr. Kaufman also cites the 1995 comments made by Dr. Pierre Gilbert, who warned about the potential dangers of vaccines and the role they may play in controlling people. Dr. Gilbert stated that vaccines may contain liquid crystals that will become hosted in brain cells, becoming micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields that can be used to control people through low-frequency waves. The speaker highlights Dr. Gilbert's comments as a warning that this type of technology has already been developed and used in the past, citing the example of Rwanda.

Overall, the discussion focuses on the importance of critical thinking and questioning scientific principles and theories, especially when they relate to issues of public health and personal freedom.

B i o

Andy Kaufman, M.D. is a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, forensic psychiatrist, and expert witness. He completed his psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology. He has conducted and published original research and lectured, supervised, and mentored medical students, residents, and fellows in all psychiatric specialties. He has been qualified as an expert witness in local, state, and federal courts. He has held leadership positions in academic medicine and professional organizations. He ran a start-up company to develop a medical device he invented and patented.

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