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December 17, 2020

Julianne Romanello, Ph.D.

Techno-Fascism, Rejecting the Reset, & The Fourth Industrial Revolution

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

Higher education is - and has been - at a crisis point in terms of the decline of quality academic instruction. The curriculum has been diluted and, generally speaking, the faculty today have less expertise than their predecessors. Now, with COVID's acceleration of the "disruption" agenda, institutions of higher education (or "post-secondary" institutions) are becoming truly predatory. The Anchor Institution model is one that will benefit oligarchs and tech investors, to the detriment of students, communities, and even our constitutional system. If young people and their parents understood the vast difference between university education today and what it was like twenty years ago, I think many would decide against university education altogether. But the demolition of our economic systems under the pretext of the Covid pandemic will likely have the opposite effect: more students will be flocking to these predatory institutions in order to get some micro-credential that they believe (mistakenly) will distinguish them from the masses of other job-seekers across the globe. Tonight's special guest was teaching at the University of Tulsa when a dramatic restructure was announced, and that was what catalyzed her research into the structural crisis of higher education, its relationship to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and how universities are being transformed into vehicles for Impact/ESG investing. For those who don't know, ESG means: Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance. The three central factors in measuring the sustainability and societal impact of an investment in a company or business. What she learned about higher education was a gateway to understanding the parallel shifts in basic education and in other social service sectors such as healthcare, mental health, urban planning and workforce development, criminal justice reform, and policing. About six months into her research, she discovered how Social Impact Finance / Pay for Success (SIF/PFS) contracts factor into the globalist disruption agenda. This is probably one of the most important and least-discussed features of the fourth industrial revolution it's the financial mechanism by which corporate investors will move capital to generate profits in an economy that's been demolished and has left most people dependent on universal basic income.

B i o

Julianne Romanello earned her doctorate in Political Philosophy from Baylor University (Waco, Texas) in 2012 While at Baylor, Ms. Romanello earned the Richard D. Huff Distinguished Graduate Student in Political Science Award and passed Ph.D. comprehensive examinations with distinction. She is the author of many publications. She is a wife and mother of four children.

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